Shaping the future of animal health

Welcome to The Non Pharma-Regulated Compendium

Warning Notice – Information to keep in mind

VIRBAC, the Organization, is pleased to make the Internal Website available to its employee for informational and marketing information purposes only and subject to your acceptance of the legal notice terms and the following warning notices.

  1. You understand that all the information, documents are internal and cannot be displayed as such outside the Organization and without the validation of the Medical Department.
  2. You recognize that you are fully aware that the studies mentioned in the Internal Website can be under copyright protection.
  3. You fully understand that you must previously contact the Medical Department to verify if you are authorized to use locally the study or you must require a written authorization (sometimes “paid” authorization) from the copyright owner to use the study in a commercial or marketing way in your country.
  4. You clearly understand that the use of the mentioned document (studies) without the authorization for your country or the green light from the Medical Department is strictly forbidden and may engage the Virbac’s responsibility and your personal responsibility.
  5. You recognize that you read and understand the term of the legal notice for the Internal Website and all you action will be in accordance of the terms of use of the Internal Website.
  6. As a Virbac’s employee, you are fully aware of your responsibility related to the Organization and to protect Virbac’s assets and interests.
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