Shaping the future of animal health

Legal notice

VIRBAC is pleased to make the internal website available to its employee for informational and marketing information purposes only and subject to your acceptance of the following terms and the warning clauses.

The website (herein the “Internal Website”) created and performed by Virbac is the exclusive property of VIRBAC SA.

Nature of the information and use of the Internal Website

Based on data, studies prepared and/or gathered by the Medical Department and the Global Marketing Department, this Internal Website is created to present technical and marketing information related to the Virbac’s non-pharmaceutical regulated products.

The studies are under copyright protection and you must contact the Medical Department to require the authorization (sometimes paid authorization) to use the study in a commercial way. The use of the mentioned document without the authorization or the green light from the Medical Department is strictly forbidden and may engage your responsibility.

Given the nature of the information, the Internal Website contains and disclose information about the existing VIRBAC portfolio non-pharmaceutical regulated products to the VIRBAC’s employees part of the Marketing, Technical or Medical department only. As expert users of the information displayed by the Internal Website, you must verify all information and take all the necessarily measures before any use locally.

The Internal Website contains information about products that may or may not be available in any particular country of the world, which may be (or not, depending on national law and rules) approved or cleared by a government regulatory body for sale or use with different indications and restrictions in different countries and may be available under different trademark names in different countries.

As a VIRBAC’s employee working in a specific environment, you know the constraints we may face day to day regarding our products and related to health liability. Thus, you can use this Internal Website to have preliminary technical and marketing information but you are not authorized to use the contents in a commercial way without any verification, validation or any written require authorization. You must previously proceed with the whole verification related to the product: its status (authorized or not for the country), its claims (the ones allowed for the product)…, according to the country of your interest, and the status of the document which may be under copyright protection.

Up-to-date information

VIRBAC will use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information. However, considering the rapid evolution of VIRBAC Group, its environment, its activities and its products, VIRBAC makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. All users agree that all access and use of the Internal Website and the content thereof is at their own risk. Neither VIRBAC nor any party involved in creating, producing or delivering the Internal Website shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to, use of or inability to use the Internal Website or any errors or omissions in the content thereof.

Information is subject to change without prior notice. VIRBAC cannot be held responsible for any consequences resulting from any changes; modification of information presented on this Internal Website and shall not be liable for any damages, or viruses that may infect user's computer equipment or other property deriving from their use of this Internal Website. Reminder: as expert users of the information displayed by the Internal Website, you must verify all information and take all the necessarily measures before any use locally.

Copyright Statement

Copyright © 12/2016, VIRBAC. All rights reserved.

All the Internal Website, design, text, graphics, photos, the selection and arrangement thereof, are the exclusive property of VIRBAC, and unauthorized use of this information is strictly prohibited.

VIRBAC hereby authorizes you to copy documents published by VIRBAC for your own and for non-commercial use within your organization only, provided any copy of these documents which you make shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained herein. Except as expressly provided above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or any other right under any VIRBAC copyright.

Any other use of materials on this Web site - including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or republication - without the prior written permission of VIRBAC, the Medical Department, is strictly prohibited.

For the studies, these studies are the property of their authors and you must request the authorization and maybe to pay for the use of the studies in a commercial way and/or to disclose them outside the VIRBAC.

VIRBAC may revise these terms and conditions by updating this legal notice.

Trademark Notice

Unless otherwise indicated, all product names, trademarks, logo, domain names, characters, slogans, labelling, service marks and all other signs, displayed on this Web site whether or not appearing in large print or with the trademark symbol, are registered or unregistered trademarks of VIRBAC Group, its affiliates, related companies or its licensors or joint venture partners. The use or misuse of these trademarks or any other materials, except as permitted herein, is expressly prohibited and may be in violation of copyright law, trademark law, the law of slander and libel, the law of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.

Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppels or otherwise any license or any other right under any patent, or trademark of VIRBAC Group or any third party.

Reproduction Rights and Confidentiality

Should any viewer of VIRBAC published documents respond with information including feedback data, such as questions, comments, suggestions, or the like regarding the content of any such VIRBAC document, such information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and VIRBAC shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such information and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute the information to others without limitation. VIRBAC shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such information for any purpose whatsoever including but not limited to developing, manufacturing and marketing products incorporating such information.


This Internal Website, dedicated to a certain category of employee of VIRBAC Group, may link you to other websites on the internet.

This Internal Website may link you to other websites for which VIRBAC has no control. VIRBAC cannot take responsibility for information found on third party websites outside its direct control.

Some links on this Internal Website may lead to resources located on servers maintained by third parties over whom VIRBAC has no control. As such, VIRBAC provides these links solely as a convenience and makes no representation as to the accuracy or any other aspects of the information contained on such servers, and accept no responsibility for such site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by VIRBAC of the third party site or its products or services.

This Platform is for internal information purpose only deep links and frames to this Platform are forbidden.

Privacy Statement

By accessing and using the Internal Website, you agree and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as outlined hereafter in the privacy statement.

Personal identifiable information that can be used to identify you such as your name, birth date, e-mail address or mailing address, when voluntarily submitted will be kept secure and restricted to VIRBAC Group’s internal use. It will not be sold, shared, or otherwise distributed to third parties outside the VIRBAC Group.

To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal identifiable information that VIRBAC collects online, VIRBAC uses protected data networks. While VIRBAC cannot guarantee any loss, misuse or alteration to the aforesaid information, VIRBAC corporation tries to prevent such unfortunate occurrences.

For more information, see “The Privacy Policy”

Right of access to your personal data

You have the right to access and update your personal identifiable information or to require its cancellation. If you wish to do so, please send an e-mail to and VIRBAC will revise or cancel such information from its files within a reasonable period of time.

Legal information

  • Publisher

VIRBAC, a company organised under the laws of France, with registered office at 1ière Avenue – 2065 LID – 06516 Carros – France, registered under number 417350311

  • Hosting:

PEER 1 France, Green Side - Bât 2, 400 avenue Roumanille 06410 Biot France. RCS Antibes 749 865 820. Tel.: +33 805 210 280

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Internal Website conditions of use are subject to French law and any dispute arising from the use of this site will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French court of Paris.